#1 We GROW by Cultivating the Soil

Apr 7, 2024    Pastor Tim Linick

Jesus’ Parable of the Sower is actually more about the SOIL than it is the SOWER or the SEED. Before you can GROW in Christ, your heart needs to be RECEPTIVE to His truth. You must CULTIVATE or PLOW your soil so that the PLANTED SEEDS will GROW!   

HOW?  TRUST JESUS and OBEY GOD’S WORD! It's as simple as

- ADMIT that you have sinned and understand the penalty—Romans 3:23;  6:23

- BELIEVE in Jesus and that He took your place—John 3:16; Acts 16:30-31

- CONFESS your sins and REPENT—Romans 10:9; Acts 2:37-38